The Church is true. I just had to say that, I wish I could tell you more, but the stories will have to wait. I’ll be honest, I think I didn’t really have a good understanding of the Gospel and I think that I’ve really changed here.
By the time you read this I’ll be in Washington (probably) and I’ll already have my first real experience with real investigators. I think what our teacher, Bro. Christensen, said about how the longer you’re in the mission the funnier things “seem” to be, since I think I can see that in the jokes we laugh at now.
For example Elder Dees wrote in a letter home “And it came to pass, in the first year of the reign of the Zone Leader Elders Dees & Elder Metz... And it came to pass that I close this epistle.” And Elder Thomas created a verse “Thou shalt not be a thief in the night lest thou shalt be smitten with a curse, yea even the same curse which brought destruction upon the wild dinosaur beasts in ancient times of old.” And everyone thought those were both hilarious.

The teacher’s we’ve had were amazing and we finally got to get feedback on how we had been teaching them as investigators as a teacher, and how we should respond.
One of them also said that Elder Thomas & I were the best listeners in our district.
I saw Elder Ormsby and Elder Gregory.
My Mission Home Address is:
Elder Lance Mullen
8565 West Gage Blvd. Suite 205
Kennewick, WA 99336
Elder Lance Mullen
Here are some of Lance's pictures that he took.

Missionaries walking from the MTC.

The Elders having a Harry Potter Party with Krispie Kreme doughnuts. Lance is on the upper right bunk bed.

Elder Dutson is on the left looking a little off guard.

Lance and Elder Pereira

Lance with his new haircut!

The MTC Mission President. I hope Lance isn't in trouble ;)

I think this picture is self-explanatory. :)

From left to right, Elder Gwynn, Elder Dutson, and Elder Thomas.

Lance looks great!!!!