I'm having a blast here and my time's almost done since I got my travel itenerary on Wed. the 14th and we're leaving on the 26th. Our district's amazing and now I have a chance to tell you about them all. My district is made up of 11 Elders (One triple companionship & 4 regulars), They're names are Elder Kendrick, Pacham, Dees, Mete, Periera, Moon, Dutson, McCleare, Gwynn, Thomas (my comp.) & me.
Elder Kendrick is the "excersice guru" and is an excellent goalie and has done Javelin before in high school. He is a great soccer goalie, especially kicking the ball. Pacham is the most dilligent studier and he makes sure that we're in line when we're supposed to be studying. Dees is in the reserves for the Marine Corp. (He has 4-5 years of service after his mission), but is a happy & joking person. Metz never loses his cool and he always has hilarious stories that make us laugh. He's the "rich kid" of the group (mostly because of his watch and the teacher saying he'd be mugged because of his fancy watch). Periera is the District Leader and he loves the gospel and learning more about it. Moon is a quiet guy (sometimes more than me) but he's talkative & joking when he gets comfortable with you. He is also an excellent note taker. Dutson is a music fanatic. He can quote movies and plays all the time. McCleave is actually someone I met in college in my choir class & him, & Gwynn are our roomates. Gwynn likes to joke and goof off, but he really cares about the gospel and his mission. My companion, Elder Thomas, is like Dutson. He loves movies, musicals, films and he wants to be a film maker. He is from Highland, UT and loves singing, acting, and talking in a russian accent. He's a great guy and he's been helping me get over my shyness in talking and our lessons have been going well (it's when I teach by myself that things fall apart). I've been having a great time here and I've run into a few friends: Sean King, Sean Johanson (E. school), Jacob Lythgoe (BYU), Roger Chu (BYU), Michael Chamberlain (BYU), Bishop Steward and others that you might not know.
Tell anyone that they can write me if they wish and if they send me a letter I promise I'll write them a letter back. Time really is flying by here and I think that I'm changing and becoming more like a missionary each day. Before leaving I wanted my mission to take place in-between chapters in my life (like it happens but it happens instantly and I'll be able to move on), but I think now I want my mission to be a book by itself. The two years will fly by but each day will be different and each one will help me become the person the Lord would have me be.
Have fun at HP7.2. We had our own party with doughnuts, and HP napkins & plates. It was amazingly fun. I can't think of anything else to say besides, "I'm almost done with the MTC!! Whoo!!!"
Love you all,
Elder Lance Mullen

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