There are two things that fit that description nicely. (In response to 'What's up?') The first is that transfers are this week. and no I'm not getting transferred; yes the address is going to stay the same (and tangent, as for where should you send which letters. If it's a letter with just like paper inside it you can send it to the mission address and they can forward it easily, if it's a package or something else my address will also work and since I'll be here for the next 6 weeks either one will do the job) and yes I'm getting a new companion. His name is Elder Belliston, don't know much about him except he's been out about 16 months and he's from Lindon UT.
And leadership I'm not anything. I haven't trained,
I've never been a district or a zone leader (and the only other option
is being an assistant to the president so that's definitely out of the
picture). The only thing I have been is a Senior Companion (which
just means I've served with another missionary where I've been out
longer than they have).
We've just been continuing to work with people in the
area. We have one person on date for baptism but she didn't come to church yesterday but that shouldn't affect anything with her date.
February 19th 2013
As for foods you will be impressed awed and discusted by what I am about to tell you. I had Japanese Sushi! (duh-duh-duhn) I had a Vegas, California, Philidelphia and a Washington Roll (I don't know what's in any of them, you can look it up, but I remember the Wash. one had eel in it). Then I also had Kimchi there as well. Maybe you could look that up and tell me what it is because I don't know even after eating it.
February 4th 2013
For cool stories imagine this: We're teaching the plan of salvation
to a less active family and a non-member friend and we bring up baptism
(as things you have to do in this life) and then the conversation went
like this: "Wait, I have a question. What is baptism? I've never been
baptized." We explain it's a commandment and the basics then she
responds "Then I need to be baptized!" then we talk about the blessings
of baptism to which she says "That would be so cool. I want to get
baptized now!" and we respond "We can help with that." So that right
there is pretty cool (and funny, because neither of us were expecting
for her to be so interested in getting baptized).
Foods, we went to a Mexican place (like las hermanas) and 1) I ate the nacho chips WITH the
salsa instead of just plain and 2) I ordered something that wasn't a
bean burrito (I thought about a chimichanga, but we were going out with
members and I didn't want them to pay more). but I've also had Hawaiian
haystacks (with everything on it) and those are the only two foods I can
think of off-hand.
Oh, and then the one mom of the family comes to church on Sunday (without anyone else) and bears her testimony about how she's coming back because she wants her daughter to be around good people and to have good standards and she said "and so I don't know why I'm here because my daughter isn't here" but it was super cool because she set the theme of sacrament meeting of returning back to church.
December 10th 2012
Because of the change in missionary age, the changes in the MTC, and other things, every mission is having to change the arrival/departure dates various weeks. So, our mission is moving our transfers up one week, so instead of me getting home July 9th, I'll be getting home on July 2nd. That's an entire week of my mission that I'm losing. and as I also explained in my letter, that does mean that I'll be home for the 4th of July. Now that you know you need to spread the word to family and friends.
YES I'm enjoying my mission. It's helped in so many ways and I've learned so much that I can't even bear the thought of going home a week early. Yea my whole frame doth shake at the mere thought that I should leave my mission early (little bit of scripture throw in). I've met so many people, seen so many examples and people who have been affected by the gospel that I can't back down, I can't give up. I have to witness to all that this message is true and it can bless and enrich everyone's life.
My companion is getting transferred to Pasco. I'm staying here and his name is Elder Ng. Yes, I'll probably be senior companion becuase he came out a year ago October. I live on a hill in Battle Ground. (in answer to Tiffany's short multiple questions)
January 21st 2013
Nothing much has happened this week (honestly this time), my companion got really sick so for three days we were inside while he rested. It has been cold here, not as bad as Utah, but we had to scrape the frost of our car this morning and yesterday too, but the sun has been out which is really weird. My companion is doing better now, just a sore throat a bit.
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The car they get to drive for the mission! -- You got to love that face!! :) |
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The Zone at Multnomah Falls |